I just found out that my Aunt Louise Died . I lost my father last year louises brother George . I was very sad that I lost touch with her over the years . When i was a child my mother and father sent me to illions for a summer to visit with my aunt and grandparents . My aunt Louise was a very sweet kind person . She was involved with helping at a local zoo and she took me with her there i got to feed a baby lion cub and spend a day with all kinds of animals . Aunt Louise never married or had childern but she was so good with kids and I have so many fond memories of her. As she got older after my grandparents died, I was told she bacame a bit of a recluse/ im sad to know she died alone . I just hope she knew she was loved and will forever be missed by me . Louise was a big part of my life in my youth and I was blessed to have her for a aunt